Digital Progressive Bifocals

Digital Progressive Bifocals

Needing a bifocal is a benchmark in life much like one’s high school diploma, first kiss, first pay check, or first child. Life is never really the same after a benchmark. For those of us who have slipped into that “bifocal age,” life has changed. The name for this...
Peripheral Vision Testing

Peripheral Vision Testing

What you call peripheral vision tests, doctors call central fields (CFs). As a science it’s known as perimetry. It tests your visual sensitivity 300 up, down, right and left. Truthfully it’s a 300 circular pivot around fixation (spot where you’re looking). ...
Life, Death, Cataracts and Taxes

Life, Death, Cataracts and Taxes

Cataracts, just as death and taxes, are something everyone will experience. Of course if you die at age three, you’ll know nothing of taxes or cataracts for that matter, well, unless you were born with congenital cataracts. Beyond the rather depressing scenario just...
Christmas and Clarity of Focus

Christmas and Clarity of Focus

In eyecare clarity of focus is important. It can even change our lives this time of year, or so some say. I’m settling for brown brackish brine. Woke-up too late for a good cup of coffee. Woke up too late to brew coffee. Thankfully my Keurig provided a pretty fair...
Treating Glaucoma With Marijuana

Treating Glaucoma With Marijuana

I live in Washington State, one of the first states to usurp federal law and usher in legal “recreational” marijuana. Yet even before recreational marijuana we had “legalized” medicinal marijuana, the intricacies of which I do not understand, and I’m too lazy to...